Course Catalog

The following are 90-120 minute trainings developed by Joli. These are ready to be facilitated to your team of professionals, therapists, social workers, clinicians, body workers, fitness instructors, community activists, etc.

  • Accountability Skills

    Unintentionally or not, we all make mistakes. We say the wrong things, assume something incorrectly, or otherwise mess up. This course promotes personal reflection and skill building associated with taking prompt and thorough accountability. This is how we purposefully foster safe communities.

  • Adult Education Basics

    Be it in college seminars, professional development trainings, or required continued education for clinical licensure, adult learners have some common baseline preferences. In the course, you’ll be introduced to those and provided guidance on how to best engage your audience.

  • Allyship Behaviors

    There are a lot of ways to be an ally— from broadening perspectives, deepening knowledge, to performing bystander intervention, and beyond. Ensure your team knows how to show up for each other.

  • An Introduction to Gender & Sexuality

    Language moves at the speed of light. In this course, basic terminology and concepts related to gender and sexuality are reviewed.

  • Befriending Your Inner Critic

    Even the most self-assured among us experiences moments of internal doubt and criticism. During this interactive and introspective training, you will learn how to identify when your inner critic is present, how to appreciate it, and how to sooth its concerns. In other words, you'll learn to befriend your inner critic in order to better navigate internal and interpersonal turbulence.

  • Change Management

    Change is hard. Ambiguity is harder. Equip your team with the knowledge of how to approach change in a way that results in the least amount of turbulence.

  • Creating and Maintaining Safe Environment

    Educators, clinicians, medical professionals, and team leaders all have something important in common: it’s up to us to create and maintain environments safe enough for our clients to to digest the information we’re providing them. In this course, you’ll learn exactly how to do that.

  • Giving & Receiving Feedback

    Giving and receiving feedback happens in all areas of our lives-- from our careers to personal relationships. During this training you will explore personally held values and opinions related to giving and receiving feedback. Additionally, you will broaden your knowledge about how to best engage with feedback. The overarching goal is to promote an interpersonal culture that can not simply withstand the presence of constructive feedback but thrive within a direct environment.

  • Increasing Tolerance for Joy and Pleasure

    Believe it or not, joy and pleasure can be quite uncomfortable for a lot of people. Explore what brings you joy and how to cultivate more of it.

  • Intersectional Approaches to Facilitation

    Whether you’re facilitating corporate trainings, traditional classes, or group therapy an intersectional approach should be at your foundation. In this course, learn about what that means and how to apply the framework.

  • Handling Objections in Educational Settings

    No matter the setting, if you’re providing education on power, privilege, and oppression or diversity, equity, and inclusion, and you’re not experiencing any objections from your learners, then chances are you’re not going deep enough. Equip your team of educators, clinicians, or leaders with the skills to navigate these objections with compassion and courage.

  • Leaning into Love

    Sure, we all want someone who is cute, smart, and funny but do you know what behaviors and words lead you to feeling the most loved by those in your life? In this course we explore what it means for someone to love you— on your terms.

  • Trauma Informed Approaches

    Being “trauma-informed” is getting quite the buzz. What does it really mean, and how can your team be trauma-informed in their approach to education, care, or leadership? This course is here to support you.